Intelligent Agents in AI

Intelligent Agents in AI

Intelligent Agents in AI

Before we learn about the agents, I have some questions for you that is –

How a human can perceive the things?

Or more precisely

How a human can sense?

The answer of both the questions are human have five senses known as Eyes, Nose, Ear, Skin, Tongue, and limbs. Humans get input from these five senses and brain is process everything & produce results accordingly. Now its turn of agents – Agents can be broadly classified in two parts-

Hardware Agents- Hardware Agents are any object that perceive its environment through various sensors like camera, smoke detector sensor, mic, speakers and actuators (motors).

Software Agents- Software Agents are any algorithm or program that take input from any input method like key board, mouse, touch pad etc. through its environment. These input processed by processor and produce results on computer screen, printer etc.

Agent can take any decision through the perception or sequence of action in its environment.


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