
Showing posts from March, 2020

Agent Environment in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Agent Environment in Artificial Intelligence Before, we start to learn about the Agent Environment , one important aspect about the agent is rationality   and it   should be covered first. Whenever, the agent perform any task that task should be correct as per sequence of information provided known as agent's rationality. We can consider it as good behavior of the agent.  Good behavior or rationality can be achieved by following-  Performance Measurement is the criteria of the success  Agent is having prior knowledge of its environment Sequence of action performed by agent Agent's perception of the sequence  Now lets talk about the environment or we can say task environment of any agent. We can consider the environment as a   " Problem " and consider the Agent as a "Solution". So, we have variety of environment and agents. For better understanding lets see some examples: 1. Agent- Medi...

Intelligent Agents in AI

Intelligent Agents in AI Intelligent Agents in AI Before we learn about the agents, I have some questions for you that is – How a human can perceive the things? Or more precisely How a human can sense? The answer of both the questions are human have five senses known as Eyes, Nose, Ear, Skin, Tongue, and limbs. Humans get input from these five senses and brain is process everything & produce results accordingly. Now its turn of agents – Agents can be broadly classified in two parts- Hardware Agents- Hardware Agents are any object that perceive its environment through various sensors like camera, smoke detector sensor, mic, speakers and actuators (motors). Software Agents- Software Agents are any algorithm or program that take input from any input method like key board, mouse, touch pad etc. through its environment. These input processed by processor and produce results on computer screen, printer e...

What Artificial Intelligence can do for human being?

What Artificial Intelligence can do for human being? Applications of AI AI can do lot more things and some of the applications are: - Robotic vehicles : Robotic vehicles are the example of AI where car driven without driver using some wireless sensors, camera and some other stuffs like radar. Ex: - A robotic car named as “Stanly” a Volkswagen car. The top speed of car was 22 mph on rough terrain. Speech recognition : Speech recognition is the most popular application of AI . United Airlines was the first to use speech recognition to book a flight. Now its application is also commercially available and you all know about it. Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and of course Google assistant . Autonomous planning and scheduling: NASA used the Autonomous planning and scheduling for space craft operations in the space. Game playing: IBM developed the first computer program named “Deep Blue” to play chess against world champion “Garry Kasparov” in 1997. In t...

Introduction and History of Artificial Intelligence or AI

Introduction and History of Artificial Intelligence or AI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence or AI In this section, I will explain you why we should consider AI is most valuable subject to study in current era.Before, we jump to the Artificial Intelligence, lets understand the  Intelligence first. As you know we are all Homo sapience and our i ntelligence makes us different from all other species so it is important to us. We have spent thousands of years to perceive, understand, judge,and  manipulate many things in the world. The knowledge we have build over the period and apply that knowledge to solve particular problem considered as intelligence.   Whereas,  Artificial Intelligence is an attempt to build new objects which have same characteristics as humans have to solve a particular problem more efficiently. History of  Artificial Intelligence or AI As per professor Peter Jackson, Arti...